We invest in companies that already have a footprint in Asia, and have the potential to scale their business across multiple countries. Candidates include companies that can take advantage of our access to capital and leverage on our collective experience, both in operations as well as in the deployment of technology.
We look for businesses that can take advantage of the underlying demographics and economics of Asia, especially those that can be enhanced with up and coming technology trends such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, encryption, and mobile internet. We see the rapid increase in the middle class and the high penetration of mobile internet in Asia as key drivers of consumer behavior in Asia, with impacts in the areas of travel, hospitality, healthy living, aged healthcare, aesthetics, and specialized real estate.
We place a high premium on the quality of the leadership of the businesses that we acquire, and value the management team that can demonstrate its capabilities with a good financial track record and a sound, defensible growth plan. From the businesses that meet our criteria, we seek out those with an enterprise value/EBITDA multiple of between 6x-8x. In more detail, our investment criteria:
with a total enterprise value of between $200,000,000 and $300,000,000.

- Strong technological know-how or advancement
- Sustainable market competitiveness
- Attractive growth prospects that are undervalued; and
- Broad distribution networks.
High Technology
Clean Energy
Consumer & Retail
Energy & Resources
Food Processing
- Both existing and new product development
- Increased production capacity
- Expense reduction; and
- Broad distribution networks; and/or
- Synergistic follow-on acquisitions resulting in increased operating leverage.
- High quality revenue streams
- Definable low working capital; and
- Reinvestment in capital expenditure and R&D.
traded company
sources of capital
public profile
These criteria are not intended to be exhaustive. Evaluations assessing business combination may be based on these general guidelines as well as other considerations at our discretion.
Our investments are free from any business limitations. Every investment is based on cash, shares and high ROI.